The Difference Between Day and Night Creams: Aligning with Your Skin's Circadian Rhythm

woman holding vegan collagen day and night cream jars towards the camera

We all know the importance of sleep and our keeping our body’s circadian rhythms in check, but did you know your skin also has a circadian rhythm?  

Our skin, much like the rest of our body, operates on a 24 hour clock — a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours. This rhythm affects our skin's functions and needs at different times of the day, which is why day and night creams are formulated differently to align with your skins changing needs. Let's explore how your skin's circadian rhythm works and why using the right cream at the right time is essential for a healthy, glowing complexion. 


DAY TIME: Protection Mode 

During the day, our skin is primarily in protection mode, working hard to defend itself against environmental aggressors such as UV rays, pollution, and free radicals. Here are some key characteristics of our skin during the daytime: 

Increased Sebum/Oil Production: The skin produces more oil to create a protective barrier against your external environment. 

Lower Skin Temperature: The skin's temperature is lower during the day. When we wake and our body’s core temperature starts to rise and our skin temperature begins to lower slightly. Your skin temperature, of course, can also fluctuate depending on external factors like air conditioning, exercise and sun exposure. 

Higher Skin pH: A higher skin pH that’s more acidic during the day can help combat harmful free radicals. 

Lowest Cell Proliferation: Cell turnover and renewal are at their lowest, as the skin focuses on protection rather than repair. 


Day Creams are designed to support your skin’s natural protective function 

That’s why day creams usually include SPF to shield against UV damage and antioxidants to help combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. Day creams are also usually lighter in texture. They’re formulated to provide lightweight hydration to maintain moisture without feeling heavy or greasy.


NIGHT TIME: Repair Mode 

At night, our skin switches to repair mode, taking advantage of the rest period to rejuvenate and heal. The skin's activities at night include: 

Highest DNA Repair: The skin works on repairing damage caused by daily exposure to harmful elements. 

Highest Cell Proliferation: Cell turnover is at its peak, helping to regenerate and renew the skin. 

Highest Skin Temperature: At night out skin temperature rises in order to help release heat from the body’s core. This also helps boost blood flow to the skin. 

Highest Barrier Permeability: The skin's barrier is more permeable, making it more receptive to active ingredients.  

Highest Moisture Loss: As our skin barrier is more permeable at night, it also means the skin loses more moisture. This is why night creams are often richer and more hydrating. 

Highest Skin Blood Flow: Enhanced blood flow aids in the delivery of nutrients and the removal of toxins and waste products. 

Higher Melatonin Levels: Higher melatonin levels help to accelerate skin regeneration.  


Night Creams are formulated to optimise skin’s repair 

Night creams are usually richer and more nourishing as they’re formulated to optimise the skin's repair processes while you sleep. Richer formulations help combat moisture loss and keep the skin hydrated with moisturising ingredients. 

Night creams also often include repairing and renewing ingredients such as retinoids, peptides, and ceramides, which help support cell turnover and repair. Additionally, night creams are often enriched with nourishing ingredients like shea butter and oils to deeply nourish the skin, ensuring it is rejuvenated and revitalised by morning. 

This Super Facialist Night Cream range is designed to work in sync with your skin’s circadian rhythm to optimise the skin's overnight repair phase. Formulated with our revolutionary Resync SleepSmart Complex™, powered by B-Circardin™ and a fatigue-fighting active, an innovative complex proven to optimise skin rejuvenation overnight.


Understanding the differences between day and night creams and how they work with your skin's circadian rhythm is crucial for optimal skincare. Day creams protect and prepare your skin to face environmental challenges, while night creams focus on repair and rejuvenation. Incorporating products like the Vitamin C+ Overnight Resync Night Cream into your nighttime routine can help enhance your overall skin health and appearance, ensuring you wake up with a radiant, refreshed complexion each and every day. 


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